17 March 2011

Why a blog about feminism?

Hi everyone!

In case any of you were wondering why I would create a blog solely on the subject of feminism, I figured that I would spend a few minutes explaining myself.  I'm currently in an amazing Women's Studies class and, for our final project, we are supposed to go out and actually perform an action that has some application to the class.  Obviously our professor encouraged us to focus on something that specifically interested us.  What strikes me the most about feminism is the lack of knowledge about it that many young people have.  There are a lot of misconceptions out there about feminism, and if you don't actually seek out information about feminism, then you probably won't learn anything about it.  Finding the right resources to learn about feminism is difficult as well.  I hope for this blog to be any easy place for anyone to come to find out a few things about feminism and learn about the current issues facing women today.  I of course could never possibly include every possible detail about feminism here, but I hope it becomes a good resource and starting point for everyone out there that is interested and wants to learn a little more about the subject.

Now, since this will be an actual project that I will be submitting as for a grade, I need all the help that I can get from you!  So, if all of you that are reading this tell as many people as you can about the blog and give me as many comments and feedback as possible, I would really appreciate it!  The best way for me to know what kinds of posts will interest all of you is from your feedback, so, comments would be great!

Much more to come!

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